Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2011

♡ Kate Middleton&Prince William ♡

The story of Prince William and Kate Middleton looks like tale stamped with the mystery of their marriage to be held Friday. The couple met almost a decade ago when both were students at the same university. Read the course of the two of you ...

Fall 2001: Kate and William were written the same year at St. Andrew's College in Scotland and lived near each other in St. Salvators Hall of Residence.

March 2002: The Kate caught the attention of William, when he participated in a charity fashion show, where he appeared on the catwalk in a transparent dress pants. The William ekmistyreftike a friend how to find beautiful.

September 2002: The future couple moved into a student residence with other friends, including then-lover Kate, Rupert Finch.

Fall 2003: The William, the Kate and two friends move into a cottage for the third year of study and the first couple rumors that are starting Christmas.

March 2004: The romance of William and Kate comes to publicity, when the camera lens captures a romantic getaway with a ski resort Klosters. The palace did not deny the rumors.

Spring 2005: The couple graduated together from the St. Andrew's. The William to master the geography and Kate to master in History of Art.

January 2006: first public kiss! The William photographed kissing Kate for the first time in Klosters.

December 2006: The monitor Kate William's graduation from the British Army at Sandhurst.

April 2007: separation confirmed the news of William and Kate. H Sun newspaper took the news with an exclusive publication for the breakup, which happened during a holiday resort in Switzerland. The palace said simply: "No comment on the privacy of Prince William".

June 2007: New photographs show kissing and start rumors that the two are together again. But they say they are just two good friends.

April 2008: The Kate appears on the side of William at his graduation ceremony from the Royal Air Force College, where she was trained as a helicopter pilot. Together again?

June 2008: In its first official appearance in royal event, with the royal family, Kate monitor the oath of William the Order of the Garter, the castle of Windsor.

February 2010: Prince William in response to a question about an imminent marriage to his beloved, notes that will have to wait a little longer. "

October 2010: The William makes a marriage proposal to Kate giving her 18-carat sapphire ring of his mother Diana, when the couple was on holiday in Kenya, but keep their engagement secret until ...

November 2010: The Palace officially announces the engagement of the couple with the following statement: "The Prince of Wales is pleased to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton".

April 29, 2011: The couple married in Westminster Abbey in front of 1900 guests. The ceremony will be broadcast live by several television networks worldwide.